Tag Archives: Mocha

Consume Caffeine in a Creative Way


Coffee is oftentimes considered a college student’s best friend, and I can attest to that.  Coffee is what I rely on to be my morning pick-me-up or my midday energy boost. But I must give credit where credit is due, and I’d like to thank Ethiopia for this wonderful cup of bliss I am holding.

One Coffee Co. on N. Central Ave. (Photo by Gabrielle Castillo)

Ethiopia is believed to be the birthplace of coffee, and wasn’t consumed until the Arab world caught wind of its mesmerizing aroma.  It eventually spread to India, and soon enough took over all of Europe.  Today, the top coffee producing countries aren’t in Europe, but in Central and South America and Asia.  Brazil is responsible for producing the majority of the world’s coffee to date.

Living in the urban environment that is downtown Phoenix, I’ve stumbled upon various coffee shops in the area. Late this afternoon, I ventured down Central Ave. to One Coffee Co. to enjoy whichever coffee on the menu caught my eye. In a month like October, I’m immediately drawn to anything and everything with the word “fall” in front of it, and this afternoon, the “Fall Specials” menu had me at hello.

Two words: Spanish Mocha.

Spanish Mocha (Photo by Gabrielle Castillo)

A café mocha is a classic coffeehouse beverage that is an adaptation of the café latte. The café mocha is known for its subtle chocolate flavor. The Spanish Mocha, however, is made like a  normal café mocha with the addition of cayenne pepper. This combination of sweet, bitter, and spicy can be found in coffee throughout the Americas (a favorite of the Mayans).  Adding the cayenne pepper to the coffee did not create a spiciness similar to that found in a typical spicy dish.  This is an evident spicy that is felt in the throat rather than on the taste buds, adding to the warmth of the coffee itself.

I’ve come across a unique coffee blend or two, but this was the most interesting (and delicious) blend I’ve experienced.  The next time you go on a coffee run, don’t be afraid to wake up with a little flair and try those uncommon blends of coffee.  You never know when you might stumble upon your next preferred coffee beverage.


– Gabrielle Castillo